Our Mission

Our mission is to train the highest quality life coaches and equip them with the tools they need to be wildly successful.


We Believe in You.

We believe coaches should be trained and held accountable to the highest
possible professional standards.
We believe that continuing education is vital and important for an individual coach and for the viability of the industry.
We believe the coaching industry should nurture diversity and value diverse
We believe that coaching changes lives.
We believe that coaching can and should be profitable.
We believe there are unlimited numbers of potential coaching clients for well-
trained and highly qualified coach.
We believe the coaching profession is evolving and we are committed to leading -edge training that supports our coaches and the industry.

 The Coaching Industry has Some Challenges.
Our Goal is to Answer Them So You Can Succeed.

The Coaching Industry 
Lacks Diversity

The coaching industry is and has always been very white-centric, more accurately, straight, white-centric. Life coaching is dominated by straight white women. Corporate coaching is dominated by straight white men.

This lack of diversity does a disservice to clients of coaching and the profession itself. We are cheated, of the wisdom and genius that diverse wisdom will bring.

The Coaching Guild is dedicated to nurturing the growth of diverse coaches. We are also committed to amplifying diverse leadership in coaching. We have structured our program intentionally committed to elevate diversity in every way because diverse voices are critically important.

The Coaching Guild requires both racial diversity and gender diversity training for certification. We will always have instructors of color and diverse backgrounds on faculty.

We are committed to doing more than lip service when it comes to diversity. Diversity is one of our core values.

The Coaching Industry 
has a Credibility Gap

The coaching industry is the wild, wild west of helping professions. It is completely unregulated in any state or any country. There are reasons that is a really good thing. There are also reasons that lack of accountability damages 
our profession. 
The elephant in the room about coaching is that in certain spaces life coaches are still the butt of jokes they don’t deserve. A lot of people don’t understand life coaching well enough to value it the way they might if they did. 
The antidote to the lack of accountability in coaching is stringent training with the kind of standards that other professions like ours require for licensure. 
The Coaching Guild is training to the highest standard possible. Our curriculum was created by design to be University level learning. We are committed to training standards that elevate our communities. We are also committed to requirements of continuing education to maintain certification. 
In a profession that doesn’t have any official accountability standards, The Coaching Guild is structured to self- enforce the highest standards in a transparent and supportive way.

Too Many Coaches Aren't
Making Enough Money

It’s the dirty little (not so) secret of the coaching industry. A lot of coaches try and fail. Moreover, a lot of coaches don’t fail per se, but they struggle financially and certainly don’t feel like they are thriving.  
All the best, brightest, and shiniest marketing strategies might fill a practice. However, if you aren’t a great coach all the marketing in the world can’t keep your practice full in a sustainable way.  
That said, there are great coaches out there with wicked skills and instinctive genius that slink back to their previous day jobs because they couldn’t make a living as a coach.  
Neither skills training nor marketing tactics are enough in isolation. There are hundreds of programs on the market to teach coaches how to market their practices. Some work and many don’t. There are also plenty of coach training and certification programs to choose from. Most don’t even address the realities of what it takes to get and keep clients. 
The Coaching Guild trains every step of the way with an eye on visibility and marketing. We also include training with and lifetime access to the industry’s most successful organic marketing expert. 

Core Values 

Highest possible standards of professional training

It is our goal to train all of our students with a University level curriculum to ensure the highest professional standards and the best outcomes for our coaches their clients.

Nurturing diversity

Diversity in all its forms is best for everyone, the individual coach, and the clients they serve. We are committed to both elevating and celebrating diversity in our program and our community culture.

Ongoing support for success

Coach training is as much about community as it is curriculum. For the highest degree of success that community cannot end at graduation. We are dedicated, as a community, to providing ongoing lifetime support for our coaches.

Profitability & income security

Knowing how to market your work as a coach is a make-it-or-break-it skill. The Coaching Guild offers marketing-specific training with a commitment to “no coach left behind”. We know marketing can’t be a cookie-cutter approach. We will help you find your voice and get it out to the world your way. 

Let's Talk

Are you ready to talk?  
Let's schedule a time for an exploratory, no obligation, let's figure it out conversation.  
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