It’s the dirty little (not so) secret of the coaching industry. A lot of coaches try and fail. Moreover, a lot of coaches don’t fail per se, but they struggle financially and certainly don’t feel like they are thriving.
All the best, brightest, and shiniest marketing strategies might fill a practice. However, if you aren’t a great coach all the marketing in the world can’t keep your practice full in a sustainable way.
That said, there are great coaches out there with wicked skills and instinctive genius that slink back to their previous day jobs because they couldn’t make a living as a coach.
Neither skills training nor marketing tactics are enough in isolation. There are hundreds of programs on the market to teach coaches how to market their practices. Some work and many don’t. There are also plenty of coach training and certification programs to choose from. Most don’t even address the realities of what it takes to get and keep clients.
The Coaching Guild trains every step of the way with an eye on visibility and marketing. We also include training with and lifetime access to the industry’s most successful organic marketing expert.