It will take most students nine to twelve months to complete the requirements for certification.
Generally speaking you should budget five to ten hours a week in total. That will include live classes, homework, and required reading. That does not include the number of client coaching hours for graduation.
The Coaching Guild has a variety of instructors on faculty. Some of these instructors may have different requirements during their portion of the curriculum. However, generally, it should never exceed a ten hour per week commitment.
No, and there are some very specific reasons for that.
The Coaching Guild program exceeds the academic requirements for ICF certification. However, ICF requires that every instructor in a program they accredit have an ICF designation personally. The Coaching Guild has chosen the most specifically qualified and brilliant instructors on the planet. We selected our instructors based on passion and qualifications rather than a certification. We feel strongly that limiting our faculty to ICF certified coaches only would have compromised the quality of instruction. Not all of our instructors are even coaches. We have assembled the best in their fields and intentionally did not limit our choices in order to bring you the highest quality learning experience.
An ICF certification may have some value in the corporate coaching realm. There are many highly successful and highly paid coaches in the corporate coaching universe that have never even thought about an ICF certification. In the personal coaching universe an ICF certification is almost an afterthought.
The International Coaching Federation has been a valuable influence in the coaching profession. However, ICF is a self-appointed governing body in the coaching industry. Our decision not to participate is intentional.
New classes start quarterly. You can reserve your spot in any class by making a deposit and declaring your start date.
Yes. We do offer interest-free payment plans.
Once you start the program your tuition is not refundable.
We are dedicated to your success and we will do anything in our power to empower you to successfully finish the program. However, life happens. If for some reason you are unable to complete the program as planned you can withdraw and apply to start again in a future group. During a withdrawal we both allow and encourage you to stay active in the student community.
Once a member of our family, always a member of our family. Graduates have a lifetime membership to the support of the Coaching Guild Community. We want to see you at our annual retreats. You will also have lifetime to the organic marketing community we partner with to ensure your success. Community is a core value of The Coaching Guild.
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