Who am I?
I’ve been teaching, coaching, guiding retreats, writing, creating, loving on my students and
clients for over 40 years. I’m a best-selling author of 3 books. I’m a lifelong student of all things
spiritual and corporeal. Mind=body=spirit.
Wisdom, way-finding and worthiness are hallmarks of my work as is creating ease, agency, and
I hold a loving mirror so that all around me can choose to see your beauty. My beliefs are
simple, but not easy to live in this world.
Deep rest promotes our ability to feel ease, agency, and joy, to practice curiosity, to explore and
find and create beauty
so I share myriad modalities to support you in this journey to love yourself and to create all that
you desire.
My distinctive approach is a mosaic of restorative practices, healing sound, writing your life,
ayurveda, stillness, somatic awareness and everything else we come up with. All based on
feeling more rather than less; being aware of more rather than closing our eyes and mind and
heart to our truest, deepest self.
You are safe with me.
While I have multiple advanced degrees and certificates of study; while I have an uncommon
resume of life adventures (including being the first-ever US woman to complete the Mt. Everest
Marathon 1989, finishing 3rd in the Nanisivik Midnight Sun Marathon 1991, living in France and
Italy before and with my sons), what I MOST want you to know about me is this:
I care deeply for you. Deeply. I cheer for you. Loudly, without reservation, and with unmatched
enthusiasm. I am the staunchest supporter you’ll ever have, the most loving mirror you’ll ever
look into, the most transparent, unflinchingly authentic voice you’ll ever hear…
And I hold space for you to do the same for you….
Join me in all the ways you can.