The Coaching Guild is committed to an equitable tuition pricing structure. (In other words, pay what is fair)
A high-dollar purchase has a greater impact on people who face wage inequity based on a wide variety of identity factors. The Coaching Guild’s mission is to create a more equitable entry point to coach training through an equitable tuition pricing plan.
Most income scales are based on the income statistics of cisgender white men. It is no secret that straight, white men win the wage lottery based on nothing but race and gender identity. Traditionally women and minority groups make significantly less.
Men universally make more than women.
Black men statistically make less than white men do.
White women make more than women of color do.
People with disabilities make less than able-bodied individuals do.
LGBTQI+ people frequently make less in the workplace than straight people do.
Our standard tuition is $9995.00. That is the tuition rate for straight white men who sit at the peak of wage and income scales. Tuition is reduced for others based on the wage inequity scale from Pew Research.
For example, a Latina woman makes fifty-five cents for every one dollar a white male makes. In this case, a Latina woman would receive a forty-five percent tuition discount to accommodate wage-inequality.
The Coaching Guild in no way intends to insinuate that any group is less able to pay a full tuition rate. This is simply a mechanism to ensure the investment for training is balanced proportionately considering wage equity data.
The Coaching Guild teaches in small groups of no more than ten students. There will be two full scholarships awarded in each group.
Scholarships are confidentially awarded based on need and merit by a five-person panel of instructors, mentor coaches, and program graduates.
If you would like to be considered for a scholarship, please submit a video outlining:
The deadline for submission will be 30 days before the start of a new student cohort.
At The Coaching Guild we want everything about your training to be an easy "Hell yes" for you.
The cost of training is a commitment. However, we are committed to creating payment plans that make the cost of training feel right in the center of your comfort zone.
Most of our students enter into a payment plan for their tuition. So, if you are interested in a conversation about how a payment plan can make it happen for you, you are in good company.
Let's figure it out.
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