
Are you the coach we've been looking for?

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A check mark in a circle on a white background.

Want to make a difference and enjoy helping people 

A check mark in a circle on a white background.

Crave more freedom 
in your life

A check mark in a circle on a white background.

Keep the commitments you make to yourself

A check mark in a circle on a white background.

Loves money and wants to earn more of it

You are our kind of coach if:

  • You have been thinking about being a coach for what feels like forever and you're tired of your own excuses.
  • You have experienced the power of a great coach in your life and you want to make that magic for others.
  • You have always been a coach no matter where you were or what you were doing and now you're ready to get paid for it.
  • You are a mission driven, change the world, true believer kind of human.
  • You are a curious lifelong learner and have a library of spiritual and self-help books - you've read them all.
  • You are ready to commit the time, money, and energy it takes to build your skills and build a practice.
  • You are in a position to take responsibility for your financial future.
  • You can take risks with out going into indecision freeze or  anxiety paralysis. 
  • You are done playing by someone else's rules and done working to make someone else rich.
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Our program isn't right for you if: 

  • Your big ticket dream is to be a corporate coach (Check out CTI).
  • Your thinking coaching is an easy way to make a quick buck.
  • You are burned out in your current career, looking for something that will require fewer hours and less work.
  • You think you want to be a therapist but don't want to go back to school for your Masters degree.
  • You have strong religious beliefs that would make it hard for you to enjoy a diverse learning experience.
  • You are looking for a short cut to certification so you can get started already.
  • You are looking for a very structured methodology that works the same way every time with every client.

Other programs you should consider

Co-Active Training Insitute

Martha Beck Way Finder


Institute for Life Coach Training

A picture of a mandala with the word belonging on it
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