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Diversity: The Secret Sauce Behind The Coaching Guild's Success

August 31, 2023

And it has nothing to do with lip-service anti-racism, identity politics, or quotas

In the last three months, I've had to make some tough decisions. I've had to say "no" or "not right now" to more potential students who applied to The Coaching Guild for coach training than I could say "yes" to, and by a significant margin.

What makes The Coaching Guild stand apart is our commitment to a small, diverse group dynamic. We cap our cohorts at ten students, ensuring that everyone gets an intimate and dynamic learning experience. Crafting the right mix of these brilliant minds is, perhaps, my most critical contribution to their future success.

In a learning environment like ours, students often derive as much knowledge from their peers as they do from me and my fellow instructors. But what exactly am I looking for in a student?

Resilience: They should be sturdy and should handle intense expansion and critique.

A mix of strong opinions yet an unusual openness to different perspectives.

However, the key ingredient in curating the perfect group might not be what you think.

I aim for diversity:

  • Different ages
  • Various ethnicities and races
  • Diverse religious backgrounds and family structures
  • Representation across the spectrum of LGBTQ+
  • A variety of professional histories

At The Coaching Guild, we've tailored our training for rebels, outsiders, and the 'wild ones' who might feel out of place in more traditional settings.

At times, like now, it might take a while to assemble such a diverse group, but the outcome is always worth the wait. If a cohort lacks diversity, the depth, content, and context of the learning experience diminish significantly.

Too often in coach training, there's a trend towards homogenization. You can sometimes tell where a coach trained just by looking at their website or reading their content. It's logical: if everyone learns the same thing, those commonalities stand out. Even more so if everyone in the group shares similar backgrounds.

At The Coaching Guild, we champion radical individualization. We don't aim to mold our students in our image but to amplify their unique voices, free from the constraints of group-think.

A diverse learning environment:

  • Enhances self-awareness
  • Promotes genuine community understanding
  • Offers insights into the vast tapestry of human experiences
  • Challenges our knowledge boundaries
  • Deepens our understanding of societal issues like racism, sexism, and patriarchy

If you find yourself in a group where most members resemble you, you're missing out on the enriching experience diversity offers.

At The Coaching Guild, diversity isn't just an initiative; it's embedded in our DNA. This commitment is evident in our instructor panel and our student cohorts. It's just one way we're giving coaching a smart and sassy makeover.

Are you a dreamer, artist, creative, outsider, rebel, or someone who believes in making good trouble? The Coaching Guild is a multi-instructor, multi-disciplinary training program designed for you, emphasizing innovative foundational coaching skills and marketing training.

We're enrolling for our next cohort. Come, be a part of the change.

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