Let’s get clear from the start, The Coaching Guild is every incredible ounce of Lisa Hayes distilled into a practical course that leads you deep into yourself so you know how to guide others deep into themselves. This is about as far from sound-bitey, platitude riddled, toxic positivity coach training as you can get.
Lisa backed me 100% before I’d even signed on for The Coaching Guild. How? She was the first person to ever tell me I was more important than money. At each step of the way she supported my wobbles. She saw me as a whole person working to bust through my limitations.
I applied every single part of the training to myself, to get well after a decade’s long descent into chronic unwellness and dysfunction.
I am who I am now — well and strong, focused and now qualified (after 30 years of being unable to complete a course of study) because of Lisa’s investment in building a different kind of training to support a different kind of coach into the world.
I’m grateful for the personal care and attention coupled with the unapologetic unpicking of the toxic seams of the coaching industry. The Coaching Guild is a potent container for transformation offering immersion in a holistic, uncompromising, and completely practical syllabus you can apply to your own life from day one. Where magick and science are not traded off against each other.
I’m blessed and I can’t wait to flow Lisa’s magick, her tenacity, her wisdom, her generous big heart and fierceness out into the world through my work.