A few days ago, Jodi Cleghorn completed her graduation panel, the final requirement for graduating from The Coaching Guild.
Jodi is brilliant, bold, gifted, and soulful. Her coaching style is brave but distinctively human, in a no fluff, nothing but the truth, yet uniquely gentle kind of way.
Jodi calls herself a word witch. She is an author and poet. You can feel her poet's soul when you talk with her.
Jodi is a gifted tarot reader and intuitive. She is a perfect blend of practical and esoteric in one package. Sessions with her feel raw and uniquely supported at the same time. I know because I have been privileged to sit with Jodi on the client side of the virtual table.
Jodi lives in Australia. The time slots for our classes were ridiculously early in the morning in her time zone. Despite having to be on the phone, often before sunrise AND despite both health challenges and some pretty big personal evolution, Jodi kept coming to class, week after week, month after month.
Jodi made me question all my excuses for not showing up.
She inspired me to stop caving into my own bullshit as often as I wanted to.
Jodi made our program better because, despite it all, she just kept going and demonstrated what commitment looks like - she made me want to deliver something worthy of that kind of dedication.
I am so honored to have spent all these months with Jodi.
I am proud deeply proud of her.
Click here to visit Jodi's virtual home.
If you are an artist, creative, intuitive, rebel, outsider, nonjoiner, mystic, or good-trouble-maker, and you're curious about life coach training, you should check us out at The Coaching Guild. Four spots are left for the group starting the last week in October.
You can find us here.
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