I used to mask my introversion pretty well. In fact, I did it so well that most people who met me assumed I loved to socialize in groups and was definitely an extrovert. I am not, and I no longer try to fake it. I don't have the energy to mask the way I once did.
I am an introvert all the way through. So, much so, infact that I often warn people I have to interact with regularly. "I am not going to want to chit-chat with you. It's probably going to be awkward. It's not personal. Please don't take it that way."
One might think coaching is the domain of extroverts. There is a lot of very social noise in the coaching space. The whole putting yourself out there thing can be very uncomfortable for an introvert. However, for a lot of reasons, coaching is a perfect fit for me, not despite my introversion but because of it.
I am profoundly curious about what makes people tick under the social facade. I am good at one-on-one intimate connections. I am naturally a good listener, and I persistently work to improve my listening skills because I want to understand people better in the least amount of time.
My level of introversion made it difficult for me to fit comfortably into traditional employment more often than not because, generally, working for others meant working with people in a non-intimate environment, and that was so fucking draining for me.
Coaching gives me literal space to show up authentically instead of being guarded and on edge. Coaching allowed me to be my best self and honor my strengths.
If you are an introvert, coaching might be the right fit because:
The Joy of Unmasking Transformation: While many see coaching as guiding others, few realize the thrill of unmasking transformation. It's like being a detective of personal growth, uncovering hidden potentials and reshaping destinies. The "aha!" moments aren't just for clients; they're the breadcrumbs leading to a world of infinite possibilities.
Embracing Chaos for Growth: Coaching isn't a serene stroll in the park; it's a wild ride through the realms of human complexity. Each client brings a storm of challenges and insights, forcing us to dance with chaos and emerge as masters of adaptation. In this dynamic arena, stagnation is the only enemy, and every twist and turn is a lesson waiting to be learned.
Forging Bonds in the Fire of Authenticity: Beyond the façade of formalities lies the raw beauty of coaching—forging bonds in the fire of authenticity. It's not about superficial connections but delving deep into the human psyche, navigating the uncharted waters of vulnerability, and emerging with bonds stronger than steel. Here, the unexpected becomes the norm, and every connection is a testament to the power of genuine human interaction.
The Coaching Guild is a training coach training program specifically designed to nurture dreamers, artists, creatives, outsiders, rebels, and good troublemakers. You know, the kinds of people who tend to be introverts. It is a multi-instructor, multi-disciplinary approach to training that prioritizes learning innovative foundational coaching skills and marketing training.
If you are interested in coach training done very differently, hit me up for a no-pressure, no BS, no trip, and fall into a sales funnel conversation. Let's talk about what's possible for you as a coach.
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