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Can you help your clients get off the Hedonic Treadmill

theomzone • October 18, 2023

A great coach knows getting to the goal probably isn't going to change much.

What's Up at The Coaching Guild This Week? 🎉

We're diving deep into the concept of the Hedonic Treadmill – a topic every coach worth their salt should get cozy with, as it's super relevant to our clients.

Hedonic Treadmill (sometimes called Hedonic Adaptation): It's this quirky thing humans do where we quickly snap back to a stable level of happiness, no matter the highs or lows life throws at us. Think of it like this: you score a big promotion or buy that dream car, and for a moment, you're on Cloud 9. But soon after, you're back to your usual self. It's like running on a treadmill: hustling hard but staying in the same spot of happiness. 🏃‍♂️

Hedonic Set Point: Imagine a happiness "thermostat" unique to each of us. This set point is our default happiness level. Good day? Bad day? Either way, we usually find ourselves drifting back to this baseline after the excitement or gloom fades.

Now, here's the real talk: Any coach can help someone chase a goal. But what happens after the chase? Will the glow of achievement last? Or will it fade, leaving our clients chasing the next shiny thing? At The Coaching Guild, we emphasize that the goal isn't just about the endpoint. It's about the journey and understanding our deeper desires.

Sure, there are goals worth hustling for, irrespective of the happiness quotient. And yes, there are ways to tweak that happiness thermostat, nudging it bit by bit to a sunnier setting. But chasing a goal blindly? That's not how we roll.

Coaching Guild Coaches: They're not your run-of-the-mill types. They're armed with insights, a deep understanding of the human psyche, and a commitment to genuine, holistic transformations. No quick fixes. No one-size-fits-all. Just real, impactful change.

Feeling intrigued? Ready to step up your coaching game? Let's chat about The Coaching Guild, where coaching has gotten a smart and sassy makeover. I promise it'll be a no-strings-attached, no-pressure, and absolutely no BS conversation. Explore how The Coaching Guild might be the best thing you do for you and your coaching career.  Slide into my DMs and let’s revolutionize coaching together!

The Coaching Guild is a training coach training program specifically designed to nurture dreamers, artists, creatives, outsiders, rebels, and good troublemakers. It is a multi-instructor, multi-disciplinary approach to training that prioritizes learning innovative foundational coaching skills and marketing training.

 💥 #NoMoreGuruCulture #DiveDeeperWithTCG #lifecoaching#NoMoreCookieCutterCoaching #SassySmartCoachingRevolution

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