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Emotional Literacy is What's Happening and Keven Anthony Johnson is in the House

October 13, 2023

Nothing beats learning from the best of the best

Coaching is a lot of things, and let's face it, many of those things are complicated. Why? Because people are multifaceted, and navigating human emotions can be like exploring a massive wildland. 🌲 Sometimes, emotions flow like serene meadows, and at other times, they blaze like wildfire. 🔥

Emotions shape us, define our past, and predict our future. That's precisely why emotional literacy is paramount in coach training. Without it, coaching can feel like we're just tossing tools into the void. 🛠️

Enter Kevin Anthony Johnson, the unparalleled master of emotional literacy. With academic and raw human insights, Coach KJ shines as a beacon of compassion and fearlessness. 🌟 Learning from him? It's like tapping into a very deep well of emotional wisdom. 

Studying emotional literacy with Coach KJ is different than learning from me. Sure, I could teach it; in some ways, emotional literacy is peppered throughout our entire curriculum. However, Coach KJ is genuinely the best of the best in this arena. Every time I get the privilege of hearing Kevin teach, I learn something new. We are beyond lucky to have him.

That's the essence of The Coaching Guild. We're not about one guru or one voice. Instead, we offer a unique blend, a symphony 🎵, of the most brilliant minds in coaching. Traditional mono-theory programs? They barely scratch the surface.

So, if the usual echo chambers have left you wanting, here's your invitation 💌. Dive deep with us, bask in diverse insights, and be part of a coaching renaissance that celebrates the multifaceted human experience. At The Coaching Guild, coaching doesn't just get an upgrade; it gets a smart and sassy makeover! 

Feeling the pull? Let's chat - No strings attached, no pressure, and absolutely no BS. Just an honest conversation about redefining coaching. 📩 Ready to dive in? Drop me a message. Together, we'll explore the depths of what coaching can truly be.

💥 #NoMoreGuruCulture #DiveDeeperWithTCG #lifecoaching

The Coaching Guild is a training coach training program specifically designed to nurture dreamers, artists, creatives, outsiders, rebels, and good troublemakers. It is a multi-instructor, multi-disciplinary approach to training that prioritizes learning innovative foundational coaching skills and marketing training.

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