Trying to fit into the cookie-cutter mold of what a coach "should" be is a trap. The problem is that coaches often try to homogenize themselves without even knowing it. Many coaches invest a lot of time and money in being trained by experts who tell them there is one way to do things if they want to be successful. The problem with the one-way approach is that everyone starts looking and sounding like everyone who is doing it the "only right way."
The coaching industry is full of people telling you how you're supposed to look, act, and talk to be successful. But here's the truth: The most successful coaches? They're the ones who aren't fitting in. Successful coaches stand out - not necessarily because they are working harder or posting so much more, but because they have learned a magic formula. They stand out because they embrace their quirks and are willing to NOT be perfect in order to be seen and noticed.
You have to be different to be noticed. Period. Therefore, by default, learning a formula or strategy that worked for someone else will probably work against you if you want to be visible.
People are craving realness. Clients aren't looking for a watered-down version of someone else; they're looking for an unapologetically real human. Potential clients are much less likely to buy into highlight reel marketing these days. They've gotten much more savvy. The kind of clients you probably want to coach aren't attracted to unattainable aspirational nonsense.
When you're authentic, you connect with people on a deeper level. They trust you because they see that you're not trying to be someone you're not.
Think about it—how many times have you felt an instant connection with someone just because they were being real? That's the kind of connection that keeps clients coming back. When you show up as your true self, you give your clients permission to do the same. And that's where the real transformation begins.
Here's the deal: when you embrace your unique style, you attract the clients who are the best fit for you. These are the people who resonate with your energy, your approach, and your vibe. They're the clients who will get the most out of working with you because they feel a genuine connection.
Don't waste your time trying to appeal to everyone. It's exhausting, and it's a losing game. Instead, focus on being 100% yourself, and watch how the right people start to show up. These are the clients who will appreciate you, respect your boundaries, and be willing to put in the work because they believe in what you stand for.
So, try this:
At The Coaching Guild, we don't just preach individuality—we live it. Our approach is all about helping you find and develop your unique coaching style. We don't do cookie-cutter, and we don't expect you to either. Our programs are designed to give you the tools and support you need to explore who you really are as a coach and how you want to show up in the world.
The Coaching Guild is a coach training program specifically designed to nurture dreamers, artists, creatives, outsiders, rebels, and good troublemakers. It is a multi-instructor, multi-disciplinary approach to training that prioritizes learning innovative foundational coaching skills and marketing training.
If you are interested in coach training done very differently, hit me up for a no-pressure, no BS, no trip, and fall into a sales funnel conversation. Let's talk about what's possible for you as a coach.
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