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Here is the cold, hard truth about coaching that no coach wants to hear: I have never met a coach who was working too hard.

March 12, 2024


Here is the cold, hard truth about coaching that no coach wants to hear: I have never met a coach who was working too hard.

Selling inaction has become just as toxic in our market as selling big-money bullshit.

You've probaby heard me talk about how the big money marketing machine within coaching spaces is often preditory. Many coaches are talking about that right now. The backlash against that part of our industry is fierce and raw. I am grateful we are finally in a dialog about it. It's past due.

That said, there is another marketing angle, a more subtle sales ploy in the coaching space, I believe, is just as damaging even though it's less shouty.

That marketing mis-message is: In order to succeed, you need to work less.

You know: "Your stress and worry is causing you to spin your wheels. You're doing too much, and too much is not required; in fact, it smells like desperation in the coaching scene. You need to find your feel-good and be someone who demonstrates having some chill. Your hard work is repelling your clients. Take a breath, sit down a beat for tea, go to yoga, and be sure to photograph yourself doing those things so everyone can see your everyday spa-like lifestyle and marvel at how much money you must be making living the dream."

It's a seductive thought, right?

But here's the problem:  In all my years of working with hundreds of coaches, I have yet to meet one who was working too hard to succeed.

In fact, most coaches are not putting in enough hours.

A lot of people come into the coaching space already burned out clear to their core from jobs and careers they had before. They are weary and suspicious, drawn to the idea that working less, smarter maybe, will ultimately bring both money and life balance.

While it may very well be true that working smarter might move the needle, too often would-be-successful coaches end up deluding themselves into thinking less is more when it's not enough.

Coaches struggle in their businesses for one of three reasons.

  • They will not do the things required to build a business because those things make them uncomfortable.
  • They need to be more consistent. They try a new special thing that's supposed to be the best new strategy every few weeks or months and quit before getting results from anything over and over again.
  • They are not putting in enough time working on their business.

It's not sexy, but it is that simple.

The "work less to make more money" bit is a brilliant sales strategy. Marketing to coaches, telling them they should relax more, play more, and enjoy mimosas by the beach more to thrive in their business is like music to the ears of a struggling coach.

However, at the end of the day if you don't put in the hours CONSISTANTLY you will fail - and a lot of coaches do fail. They die on the hill of relaxation and only doing what feels good.

I'm going to let you in on a secret. I've known more than a few coaches who preach the gospel of "relax and reap the rewards" who were working pretty much all the time behind the scenes to sell that squishy feel-good message.

It's an odd kind of irony that the marketers who will sell you the doing less to get more package, sharing tales of spontaneous dog walks and lavish vacations, will be working evenings and weekends to make bank selling the soft coach life.

Now, to be clear, I do not work full-time hours, and I do make a full-time income. However, I have built my practice over the years, taking longer than many successful coaches do because I was willing to walk a slower path to success. My practice was not an overnight success. However, I kept putting in the time.

The truth is that building a successful coaching practice takes dedication, consistency, and, yes, hard work. It's not about finding shortcuts or buying into the illusion that you can work less and still achieve your dreams. The reality is that success rarely comes to those who aren't willing to put in the effort and time required to make it happen.

At The Coaching Guild, we set honest expectations with our students and help them work towards attainable goals. We understand that building a coaching business is a journey, not a sprint, and we're here to provide the guidance and support our students need to thrive in the long run.

Yes, alignment matters, and we know that. However, real alignment comes with action, and we know that too.

Our training program is designed to equip coaches with the skills, knowledge, and mindset they need to succeed in today's competitive market. We prioritize practical, evidence-based strategies over empty promises and quick fixes, ensuring that our students have the tools they need to build a sustainable and fulfilling coaching practice.

So, if you're tired of the false promises and unrealistic expectations that pervade the coaching industry, come join us at The Coaching Guild. We're committed to helping you build a coaching practice that's grounded in integrity, authenticity, and genuine connection. Together, we can create a new standard of excellence in coaching—one that values smart work, dedication, and the relentless pursuit of our dreams.

Hit me up for a no-pressure, no BS, no trip, and fall into a sales funnel conversation. Let's talk about what's possible for you as a coach.

The Coaching Guild is a training coach training program specifically designed to nurture dreamers, artists, creatives, outsiders, rebels, and good troublemakers. It is a multi-instructor, multi-disciplinary approach to training that prioritizes learning innovative foundational coaching skills and marketing training.

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