What's Happening at The Coaching Guild next week?
Mental health and coaching - these two topics should be on good terms with each other - unfortunately, they often are not. Simply put, a lot of coaches don't know much about mental health. Mindset and mental health are not the same things. Surveys show that fewer than half of all life coaches have completed even Psych 101.
The Coaching Guild is more mental health heavy than any coach training program I know of. We start out talking about mental health in a clinical way, and threads and themes of mental health awareness flow throughout our curriculum.
However, learning from an expert is one of the most important benefits of training with The Coaching Guild. In the trenches of our medical system there is no mental health professional more qualified to talk about mental health in the real world than a Psych NP.
Kathy is a board-certified Psychiatric & Mental Health Nurse Practitioner who earned undergraduate degrees in Historical Russian Musicology from New College in Florida, and in Nursing from Kennesaw State University. She completed graduate education in Nursing at Duke University.
Kathy worked as a Registered Nurse in hospitals around Atlanta, with extensive experience in NICU, mother-baby, psychiatry, and both pediatric and adult acute care. She has been adjunct nursing faculty at Mercer University for over 5 years. Kathy transitioned into psychiatric care after seeing the distinct challenges patients experience in accessing equitable, quality care in mental health. She is passionate about increasing access to quality care, especially in preventative care, underserved populations, and early stages of symptom onset.
Kathy’s first career took her to Eastern Europe, where she lived for several years teaching English as a foreign language and volunteering with women rescued from human trafficking. From this experience, she is near-fluent in Romanian and enjoys exploring how culture intersects with mental and emotional health. In her free time, Kathy enjoys traveling, yoga, horseback riding, and spending time with the 3 amazing humans she’s lucky enough to parent.
If you are interested in exploring coach training that gives you a front row seat to the best and the brightest experts, visit our website or drop us a line for a zero-pressure, no trip and fall into a sales funnel, conversation about the possibilities that might await you at The Coaching Guild.
The Coaching Guild is a training coach training program specifically designed to nurture dreamers, artists, creatives, outsiders, rebels, and good troublemakers. It is a multi-instructor, multi-disciplinary approach to training that prioritizes learning innovative foundational coaching skills and marketing training.
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