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Podcast: Coaching While Black

June 28, 2023

The coaching industry largely comprises white coaches coaching white clients in a sea of whiteness.

While this is changing, it might not be fast enough for communities of color who are facing a crisis of lack of black mental health resources. Simply put, there aren't enough black mental health care providers or coaches in any market.

For a black coach, the decision to focus your marketing and your practice exclusively on black clients can feel very risky, especially in the client-building phase of a practice. The intentional decision NOT to court the dollars of potential white clients is bold, but important.

It is a choice I think will pay off in big ways for coaches like ⁠Goza Parks⁠ and ⁠Thea Parker.⁠ Their work is incredibly valuable.

I couldn't be more proud or inspired by these two brilliant women. Listen in, and you'll understand why.

⁠The Coaching Guild ⁠is a training coach training program specifically designed to nurture dreamers, artists, creatives, outsiders, rebels, and good troublemakers. It is a multi-instructor, multi-disciplinary approach to training that prioritizes learning innovative foundational coaching skills and marketing training.

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